Welcome to Streembit

Streembit aims to implement a free, open source, secure, decentralized, peer to peer communication system to protect your real time communication. Streembit addresses issues primarily related to safety, politics, security, privacy, economy, and the Internet of Things all while complying with standards. Current communication systems like...

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Streembit security

A growing number of homes are being exposed to security threats via Internet of Things devices. The simplest and most common instances of this are the various Internet connected home monitoring video cameras and baby monitors; which often connect to RTMP servers run by companies...

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Can terrorists use Streembit?

What about terrorists, can they use Streembit? The reality is, terrorists can use all open source as well as proprietary software. The developers of Streembit are libertarians and certainly don’t subscribe to terrorist agendas. Our values and what we believe in couldn’t be farther from...

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System architecture

The system forms a decentralized peer to peer overlay network to manage connections between human and Internet of Things peers. The participants in the network are the peer nodes. The peer to peer network is scalable and an unlimited number of nodes can participate in...

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State of Streembit

We have created and made available for download the very first version of Streembit. This project aims to deliver a solution that no one has done before: a fully open sourced, completely free, decentralised, peer to peer communication system. This is so that people and businesses...

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Internet of Things

The world of embedded systems has met the Internet and its horde of hackers. The result is not pretty. As of writing there is no common, open standard, robust or proven authorization and access control protocol in existence for Internet of Things devices. It is troubling...

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Centralisation and security

“I have nothing to hide and I don’t mind if the government is monitoring my communication” is a line often rolled out by users who are worried about terrorism and therefore willingly accept government surveillance programs. Seeing the terrible terror attacks in Belgium and around...

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Decentralized Internet-of-Things

Security and discovery are two major system requirements in Internet of Things. Decentralized peer-to-peer computing could address both. Public/private key cryptography (PPKI) is a natural element of most decentralized systems. PPKI, specifically using the public key allows a simple but robust authentication and identity management...

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